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We partner with associations that help us progress our goal of advancing energy together.

As a family owned company, we are committed to working sustainably with communities, stakeholders and policymakers to advance energy together.

SHV Energy is registered on the EU Transparency Register (ID number 292576015608-71).

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Liquid Gas Europe

We are a driving member of Liquid Gas Europe, the European LPG Association. Liquid Gas Europe represents the industry in all relevant policy and regulatory discussions at European level and secure high-quality standards, maximising safety, for the products and its many applications. We actively support the association in its mission to ensure the EU policy community embrace our vision to establish LPG and renewable LPG as the alternative energy of choice supporting the EU policy agenda.

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COGEN Europe

We are a member of the European Association for the Promotion of Cogeneration (COGEN Europe), the cross-sectoral voice of the cogeneration industry. Within COGEN Europe, SHV Energy encourages the use of micro-CHP (Combined Heat and Power) as an available highly efficient distributed energy solution for heat and power generation near the point of consumption in off-grid areas.

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We are an active member of the European Biogas Association (EBA). EBA advocates for the recognition of biomethane and other renewable gases including bioLPG as an important corner stone of a carbon neutral economy in Europe. Its mission is to boost the production and consumption of sustainable renewable gases in Europe for all energy sectors, including transport, domestic and industrial uses (heat, feedstock). SHV Energy supports the association in its mission and activities to promote renewable gases for their intrinsic socio-economic and environmental benefits.

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Via Prima LNG, we are an active member of the Natural & Bio Gas Vehicle Association (NGVA Europe).
NGVA Europe promotes the use of natural and renewable gas as a transport fuel, it is a platform for the industry involved in producing and distributing vehicles and natural gas, including component manufacturers, gas suppliers and gas distributors. It defends their interests to European decision-makers to create accurate standards, fair regulations and equal market conditions.

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We are a member of SPIRE - Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency. It is the European Association committed to manage and implement the SPIRE Public-Private Partnership. This represents innovative process industries, 20% of the total European manufacturing sector in employment and turnover, and more than 150 industrial and research process stakeholders from over a dozen countries spread throughout Europe. Their mission is to ensure the development of enabling technologies and best practices along all stages of large-scale existing value chain productions that will contribute to a resource efficient process industry.

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European Energy Forum

We are an Associate Member of the European Energy Forum (EEF). The EEF is a cross-party, cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder platform for discussion, establishing a permanent dialogue between the European Parliament, energy stakeholders, the European Commission, as well as other key institutions. EEF members recognise the key role of open dialogue and inclusive exchange of knowledge between all sectors in the legislative process.

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FREE initiative

We are proud founder and funder of the Future of Rural Energy in Europe (FREE) initiative. The FREE initiative aims to promote the use of sustainable energy within rural communities.

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We are a leading member of the World LPG Association (WLPGA), the voice of the global LPG industry that represents the full LPG value chain. The WLPGA promotes the use of LPG worldwide to foster a safer, cleaner, healthier and more prosperous world. We are involved in the WLPGA’s efforts to advocate for LPG as part of the solution to future energy challenges, support efficient and responsible business, and encourage innovation and support business growth.

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World Biogas Association

We are a member of the World Biogas Associationthe global trade association for the biogas, landfill gas and anaerobic digestion (AD) sectors, dedicated to facilitating the adoption of biogas globally. The association seeks to represent all organisations working in the biogas industry at the international level across the world, including; national associations, biogas operators and developers, equipment providers, water companies, the agricultural sector, waste companies, and academic & research institutions. Working with the other members of the World Biogas Association, SHV Energy joined several other industry leaders as a signatory to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 12% globally through the exploitation of renewable gases.

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We are a member of the International DME Association (IDA), which serves as the global voice for the DME industry and works to promote the use of DME as a clean and GHG reducing alternative fuel worldwide. Main activities include gathering and communicating authoritative information about DME, coordinating relevant international activities and initiatives and supporting policy and advocacy topics on a global stage. The IDA has global members covering the full value chain and works closely with other global fuel associations such as the Methanol Institute, the World LPG Association and regional DME Associations. In 2019, SHV Energy announced its role in the International DME Association as Patron member.

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