We are committed to building the future and to helping drive the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy solutions that are accessible and affordable.
We believe that efforts to mitigate climate change must be sped up.
We also believe that a successful energy transition requires a long-term commitment, and a well-orchestrated combination of realistic, cost-effective solutions, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why we’re investing more time and financial resources in renewable solutions, as well as in a range of sustainable fuels, such as rDME, a new molecule that is likely to be instrumental in defossilising the LPG industry and accelerating our energy transition.
Ultimately, our vision aligns with our global purpose: 'Courage to care for generations to come.'
We characterise our mission as ‘Advancing Energy Together’.
This mission goes beyond simply supplying our stakeholders with energy. It encompasses our commitment to provide our customers with cleaner and affordable energy alternatives, increase our sustainable fuels and renewable solutions portfolio, and to advocate for underserved groups – those not connected to the gas grid – to ensure they’re able to acces safe, cleaner and lower-carbon energy options today.
The reference to ‘together’ in our mission involves all our key stakeholders, beyond our colleagues and customers. To achieve long-lasting change, we collaborate with a broad network to make the energy solutions of the future a reality, including policymakers, energy experts, other players in the energy sector, interest groups, industry associations and local communities.
The energy transition refers to accelerating the fundamental change of the entire economy, making it energy and resource efficient, and ultimately working towards defossilisation and climate neutrality. We have identified three areas where we are driving the energy transition:
1 Our core LPG and LNG products provide customers with a cleaner source of energy in terms of carbon footprint and air quality, especially when compared to more polluting alternatives such as coal, heating oil and wood.*
2 Increasing the share of sustainable (non-fossil) fuels in our portfolio will allow customers to transition without completely replacing their energy infrastructure.
3 Continuing to expand into renewable solutions, such as energy efficiency and solar energy, allows us to have an even greater impact by providing more sustainable services to more customers.
Our approach is pragmatic and proactive – our products play a key and practical role in the overall energy mix and are tailored to meet the needs of those not connected to the gas grid. Empowering these groups by providing safe and cleaner energy options is an integral part of how we drive the energy transition.
Through new partnerships, collaboration and research and development activities, we will continue to innovate, and we will continue to be part of the key conversations at the policy level on the legislation and trends that affect sustainable fuel development, affordability and take-up.
*LPG has lower emissions compared to polluting solid and liquid fuels, and has virtually no particulate matter emissions, improving both indoor and outdoor air quality. It also eliminates nearly all black carbon emissions from household cooking and helps reduce deforestation.
Source: The Contribution of LPG to the Sustainable Development Goals, World LPG Association.