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4/9/2014 Partnerships

Calor GB achieves 80 percent and a performance rating of 2 stars in Business in the Communitys 2014

Calor has been recognised in Business in the Community’s (BITC) annual benchmark of responsible business, the Corporate Responsibility Index (CR Index) – UK’s leading voluntary benchmark of corporate responsibility.

Completing the CR Index for the first time, Calor achieved a score of 80% and performance rating of 2 stars – a score which reflects Calor’s commitment to sustainability.

Launched in 2002, the CR index takes the form of an online questionnaire and examines business practice across four areas: Corporate Strategy, Integration, Management, and Impact; assessing that business models adhere to the concept of sustainable development. The CR Index is evidence based, where participants are asked to provide relevant evidence as part of their submission which is validated by Business in the Community’s expert reviewers.

CR Index 2014

Achieving 2 Star status means Calor:

• Has developed appropriate CR policies and has a robust sustainable vision and values.

• Focuses on how to integrate and embed corporate responsibility into our operations through strategic decision making.

• Manages risks and opportunities in the areas of community, environment, marketplace and workplace.

• Demonstrated performance improvement across environmental and social areas based on the materiality of our business.

Managing Director Stephen Rennie said “Calor is extremely proud to have realised this achievement, demonstrating to our customers, employees, suppliers and shareholder our commitment to operating in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.”

“Calor undertook the CR Index to help the business recognise our strengths and measure performance across various business areas, but also to identify gaps and where future progress can be made. We will use the survey results and BITC feedback to drive further sustainability improvements across all areas of the business.”

Stephen Howard, Chief Executive, Business in the Community said: “The 2014 CR Index shows us that companies are making real progress to integrate responsibility throughout their operations. We know that companies are now increasingly discussing CR at board level, transforming company culture through embedding CR into training, and unlocking innovative products and services by looking ahead to the long-term challenges and opportunities of responsible business. Crucially, this shift is being driven by a tranche of responsible leaders that understand the new contract now required between business and society to drive change.

“I congratulate Calor for achieving 2 stars because it demonstrates a clear commitment to an integrated approach to being a responsible business.  We look forward to working with Calor to challenge and support them towards creating a fairer society and a more sustainable future.”

Business in the Community (BITC) is a UK national charity led by HRH the Prince of Wales which advises and challenges its members to help shape and create more sustainable businesses. With over 30 years’ experience they forge better relationships between business and society to create a fairer society and a more sustainable future.

They are also responsible for screening Royal Warrant applications which Calor obtained in 1967 and have retained after rigorous assessments of Calor policies, code of good environmental practice and behaviours around sustainability. With a membership of more than 850 companies, BITC is the leading establishment for sustainability intelligence and leadership in the UK.