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3/3/2013 Partnerships

National Energy Action Reception Focuses on Fuel Poverty

On the 6th of March 2013 Calor sponsored a House of Lords reception on behalf of its community partner, National Energy Action (NEA).

”Working together to eradicate fuel poverty”

The annual reception provides an opportunity for NEA to share its collaboration with the business community and other agencies in the voluntary and public sectors, with members of the House of Lords and House of Commons. This year the event was jointly hosted by NEA’s Vice President, Baroness Diana Maddock and Charles Hendry MP, President of NEA. The Rt. Hon Ed Davey MP, Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change at DECC also attended the event and delivered a message of support.   The reception highlighted the work that NEA has undertaken during 2012/13 to assist the Government in its aim of eradicating fuel poverty and highlighted the organisation’s new initiatives beyond 2013 in partnership with key stakeholders, sponsors and other funding bodies. The reception also provided an opportunity for NEA to thank all business supporters and other agencies which support the Charity.   The event was very timely with the recent launch of the Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation (ECO) schemes, designed to deliver measures to improve the energy efficiency of the UK housing stock, and the Energy Bill which continues its progress through the House of Commons, highlighting what further measures are needed to ensure affordability for all energy consumers.   The event focused on the Affordable Warmth and Carbon Saving Communities elements of ECO which will assist low-income and vulnerable consumers, the poorest communities and those in rural locations. It also highlighted the work that Calor has been undertaking in partnership with NEA and the Rural Community Action Network through the Future of Rural Energy in Europe (FREE) programme, to bring fuel poverty and energy efficiency assistance and advice to communities located off the mains gas grid.   Jenny Saunders OBE, Chief Executive of NEA, said: “NEA is grateful for support from Calor and RCAN members in helping to make FREE a successful energy advisor programme in rural off-grid areas”.