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Health & Safety Butan plin, Slovenia 11/22/2022

Butan plin has helped over 10,000 Slovenian school pupils learn about cycling road safety

For over 10 years Butan plin, part of the SHV Energy group of companies, has been encouraging young people to get involved in safe cycling activity through their ‘Safe on the Bike’ initiative. In 2020 they rolled out the scheme to 140 Slovenian primary schools helping to teach the pupils about road traffic rules and encourage them to actively use their bicycles through fun and traffic-themed tasks.

A healthy school challenge with over 66,000 km cycled

The pupils cycled a total of 66,210 kilometres, accumulated with many different leisure trips and everyday errands. Around 600 pupils took part in the challenge, from October to May, entering the distances online and competing to see which school had highest average number of kilometres cycled. The initiative generated some healthy competition, and the pupils were able to aim to win some useful prizes for the school and the local community, with the overall winning school receiving a new bike.

Rewarding support for a very worthwhile charity

The “Varno na kolesu/Safety on the Bike” programme also partnered with the Neurotrast Foundation, a charity that provides support to people who have suffered neurological illness or related injury. The Foundation also raises public awareness about these conditions, what is involved in neurorehabilitation, and the importance of prevention to avoid head injuries.

As partner in the scheme, the Neurotrast Foundation converts the total kilometres cycled into a donation for the purchase of rehabilitation equipment. This equipment supports those who have suffered head injuries and therefore may have certain limitations and experience a variety of day-to-day challenges.

Mobility, sustainability, and safety

The success of the scheme operated by Butin plin is a great example of how important sustainable mobility and safety is viewed and encouraged in the Slovenian school system. It promotes the fact that a bicycle is the perfect solution for shorter distance travel and for school trips. It allows people, and in particular school-age children, the opportunity to socialise and enjoy a range of leisure time activities.

The amount of participation also makes a statement about the commitment to reducing environmental impact with a ‘Safety on the Bike’ Scheme that has an estimated saving around one and a half tonnes of CO2 emissions.