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Anti-bribery and corruption USA 4/26/2023

Embracing ethics and compliance

From November 28th-December 2nd, 2022, Pinnacle Propane held its 2nd Annual Ethics & Compliance Week. At Pinnacle, we believe Ethics & Compliance is not just something we learn, it's something we live. It's part of our DNA, the foundation of our company strategy and critical to doing good business; our theme for Ethics & Compliance Week 2022. The main topics covered were general ethics and compliance, privacy, SHV Purpose and Values, eLearning, Compliance Register and Third-Party Due Diligence.

Ethics & Compliance Week launched with the distribution of company ‘swag’ highlighting the company's purpose and values. Each day started with a short stand-up call in the morning, led by leaders at both Pinnacle and SHV Energy who are responsible for ensuring a strong Ethics & Compliance Program. The stand-up was followed by internal communication with quotes, cartoons and activities focused on Ethics & Compliance topics. Prizes were awarded to the first employee to complete and submit the activities with the most correct solution(s).

Making it fun

The whole week culminated in an Ethics & Compliance Week scavenger hunt with each participating site being a team. The hunt was held during lunch and pizza was provided at each site. Pinnacle was humbled by the level of participation during the week, especially as it was held at the beginning of peak season and was rescheduled from the original dates due to the first multi-region cold front pushing through all Pinnacle regions during the week that it was supposed to be held.

Pinnacle is committed to hosting Ethics & Compliance Week every year as a fun and engaging way of raising awareness. We firmly believe that individuals remember what they enjoy, so our desire is to provide memorable experiences focused on Ethics & Compliance so that colleagues enjoy both learning and living Ethics & Compliance every day.