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Climate change Butan Plin, Slovenia 4/12/2021

Ideas in action from Butan Plin colleagues in Slovenia support global environmental awareness

As SHV Energy continue to drive the goals of ‘Advancing Energy Together’, a key element is global collaboration and commitment from all colleagues. It is a collective responsibility towards the environment where everyone contributes with positive changes, however small, that will make a difference. It is good to report on the steps that have been made by Butan Plin, with ideas from all parts of the business to further support the global awareness campaign.

Good for the environment, good for colleagues

The plan was to get all colleagues involved in supporting ideas of how they could make changes that could improve daily life, reducing environmental impact and moving towards a healthier lifestyle. The response has been excellent, and some really good ideas have been put into action, fully supported by all.

One of the key areas was a focus on materials used daily and how waste was managed in the building. Recycling was further improved by setting up waste-separation bins in central areas. Another step was reducing plastic waste by removing the plastic cups from the coffee machine and using reusable cups. The move away from disposable items continued with the use of wooden utensils or cutlery for company picnics or events and glass dishes for hot snacks, with a switch to biodegradable washing up liquids and cleaners. Employees are encouraged to adopt these activities as part of their everyday life.

For these organised events, all employees looked into using more sustainable ways of transportation, such as car sharing, use of bicycles and even rollerblades! This was all part of looking at changes of transport habits, prior to the COVID-19 situation, that has reinforced the need to make changes. Colleagues use Microsoft Teams for conference calls, on-line meetings, work from home where possible, encouraging employees who live close to work to use public transport, bike or walk. Next to daily commuting, many colleagues joint free time and healthy activities in nature such as going for a hike together. Last but not least, Butan plin also organised an exchange of unwanted clothing rather than recycling or going to waste.

A sustainable message inside the business and for customers

It was recognised that everyone has to be always aware of the need for change that can make a significant difference. SHV Energy implemented a plan in the new offices with Hoofddorp to add key reminders on signs and this idea was also used in the Butan plin building with sustainable ‘key facts’ and ‘did you know’ messages.

They also looked at reducing the carbon footprint of the business by reducing the number of customer site visits needed. This was achieved by the increased use of telemetry and online metering systems allowing remote review of facilities.

Also, in line with the SHV Energy, energy transition initiatives, there is a focus to encourage switching customers to more environmentally friendly energy sources, from heating oil to LPG and LNG, or from diesel to LNG. In the framework of marketing activities, Butan plin gives priority to use digital channels (e.g. e-mail, text messages) when possible.

A challenge to step ahead with a Green Footprint

Established in 2018, the Green Footprint Group is dedicated to protect and maintain a clean environment. In October 2020 all Butan plin colleagues were invited to take up a challenge to do something healthier for themselves or the environment and get their colleagues to take part. These activities were promoted on a common channel in the Viber platform.

The plan was to get three idea or actions that could be relevant for the SHV Energy, 25 by 2025 campaign and the response was amazing. Some really innovative thinking with a total of fifty-eight ideas submitted by nineteen different colleagues. Choosing three was very difficult but after much discussion, the award winners were selected sent through to SHV Energy to be considered for possible wider use.

It doesn’t stop there

The focus on sustainability and the environment has certainly acted a as a catalyst for new ideas and actions. This has included the Safe on a Bike project, where Butan plin looked into encouraging children and younger adults to continue to use bikes more in their everyday lives. This includes all the necessary on-the-road skills, techniques and habits that mean they can ride safely and enjoy the freedom that using a bike can bring. In 2020, the participating schools have already recorded a total of just over 100,000 kilometres. Covering this same distance by car would emit 20 tons of CO2, which is four times the amount of CO2 emissions that’s emitted by an average Slovenian household per annum.

It is great to see that the Butan plin colleagues have got involved as “key people” adding ideas and steps that can help achieve the sustainable development goals, contributing to an improved lifestyle and the environment.