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Climate change Ipragaz, Turkey 5/24/2019

Ipragaz – A strategy for change, delivers economic and environmental benefits

As part of a wider sustainability strategy, İpragaz has initiated projects at their filling plant to help reduce their carbon footprint emissions and reduce energy costs. In 2018, this focused on plans to reduce the filling plant’s total energy consumption by reducing the energy used in the filling operation and recover the heat that is created by air compressors.

Saving energy, reducing costs and a creative use for waste heat

İpragaz air compressors are an essential part of their filling operation but are expensive to run and generate heat as a waste product. The project introduced a change where cooling oil is used to capture this heat and avoid it from being released to the atmosphere. Heat exchangers were also introduced to transfer heat from cooling oil to heat water that is then used for heating the offices spaces inside the filling plants. In summer season, the hot water from the heat exchanger is used for hot water in the kitchen and bathroom areas.

This approach was first implemented in the Ankara filling plant and is now in operation at İpragaz filling operations in Aydın, Diyarbakır, Erzurum, Konya, Trabzon and Van.

The results from the project are significant. In each filling plant, there is an average reduction in LPG consumption by 2.5 tonnes per year and carbon emissions reduced by 7.5 tonnes CO2 per year

Part of sustainability strategy

In 2015 İpragaz created a “Sustainability Plan”, which includes a 15-year roadmap focusing on three main areas; Create Economic Contribution, Create a Sustainable Environment and Create Social Impact. With these filling operation changes, İpragaz is already underway to meeting some of the objectives outlined in this Plan.

Project recognition with three awards

Finally, this project won three important awards in 2018. The first award is the Turkey Energy Summit Sector Award, in which the project won the award for “Social Responsibility in Energy Sector”. The second award is a bronze prize in “Best Team Award”, won by the team at Kalder, and the third award is from the Corporate Social Responsibility Association, which awarded İpragaz a prize for their responsible consumption and production.