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Climate change PrimaLNG, Belgium 4/19/2021

Walking the walk with LNG-powered trucks

Truck Prima LNG

As Prima LNG increased its focus on reducing its impact on the natural environment, it became clear that it must first reduce emissions from its logistics. LNG was an obvious tool to achieve this reduction. Fuelling trucks with LNG offers a significant reduction in emissions without losing the benefits of a normal truck, such as the ability to travel long distances without needing to charge a battery.

Therefore, in 2020, Prima LNG began delivering its LNG with 100% LNG-powered trucks in Northern Europe. 50% of Prima LNG’s trucks in Southern Europe are already LNG-powered, and by 2022 this will be 100%.

Cleaner kilometres

Prima LNG delivers LNG from several LNG import terminals in the Benelux, UK, France and Spain to industrial, automotive and marine customers across Europe. This makes for some very long journeys – Prima LNG’s average delivery involves driving more than 1000km. In total, Prima LNG’s trucks drove more than 3.5 million kilometres in 2020. The carbon emission savings from the switch to LNG are therefore significant.

The CO2 emissions associated with LNG trucks are 20% lower than the diesel trucks Prima LNG used previously. In addition, the switch benefits local air quality due to a reduction in air pollutants emitted, including an 80% reduction in NOx alone. Transport using LNG already meets the strict European emission standards set for freight transport, without the need for additional measures such as the use of particulate filters.

Sustainable choices with additional benefits

As an added bonus, trucks that run on LNG are also up to 75% quieter than diesel trucks, which benefits the local communities Prima LNG delivers to and drives through. The business also benefits from lower transport costs as the trucks use on average 10-15% less fuel than diesel equivalents, the cost of LNG is lower than diesel and many governments support LNG use through lower taxation and subsidies.

Peter Frühwirth, Supply and Logistics Manager at Prima LNG, explains, “We practice what we preach by delivering LNG with LNG-powered trucks. We are committed to significantly reducing carbon emissions from the road.”