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Health & Safety Ipragaz, Turkey 5/6/2020

Learning from incidents and near-misses

We work hard to prevent Health and Safety incidents from occurring. Health and Safety is our number one core value as an organisation: at the heart of our operations is the need to keep our employees and customers safe. We expect all incidents or near-misses to be reported so that they can be analysed to discern what lessons can be learned and what actions must be taken. Our goal is that no incidents or near-misses occur.

When incidents or near-misses do occur, one part of our response is to provide extra training to the employee or employees involved to ensure they understand why the incident or near-miss occurred, the importance of complying with all rules, and how to prevent a repeat occurrence.

“"I now understand why seat belt use is really important. All of you emphasised its importance in all our training, and unfortunately I understood why after my bad experience"”

One of our contracted professional LPG truck drivers in Turkey was invited to complete extra training because of an incident. He explains, "I now understand why seat belt use is really important. All of you emphasised its importance in all our training, and unfortunately I understood why after my bad experience. It really saved my life."