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Health & Safety SHV Energy China, People’s Republic of China 5/6/2020

Safely resolving emergency incidents

Our emergency response teams are highly trained to mitigate the risks involved in an incident and carefully resolve it. Gas Luo, the Environment, Health and Safety manager of Guangzhou Xiran, People’s Republic of China, describes how he and his team successfully resolved an issue that arose after a vehicle accident in 2019.

“A road tanker transporting 30 tonnes of LPG operated by an external company turned over on a public road in Guangzhou in August of 2019. As requested by the local authority, I took the lead role in the emergency response team in our mission of transferring the LPG from the overturned tanker to a new vehicle,” Gas explains.

“"I am especially proud of the expertise of our emergency response team and of our company’s big investment in safety"”

The team worked slowly and methodically to make the transfer, aware of the high-risk nature of the situation. “We worked for 20 hours, and finally we had transferred all the 30 tonnes of LPG safely. The local authority praised us and the local television station broadcast the event,” he continues.

“I am very proud of this achievement. I am especially proud of the expertise of our emergency response team and of our company’s big investment in safety. It is really a positive output of the leadership commitment to safety,” Gas finishes.