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Products and services Gaspol, Poland 6/19/2018

A Polish road construction company switches from oil to LPG

A Polish road construction company switches from oil to LPGcut
Poland’s extensive road network is a clear sign of the country’s economic development. During the last decade, the number of local and national roads – including motorways and expressways – has increased rapidly. Unfortunately, the manner in which the country produces bituminous masses and asphalt has not changed at all during this same period. Bituminous masses are used for road construction, and unfortunately, many facilities still use heavy burning oil, coal or coal dust in their production. This in turn emits large amounts of CO2  and other harmful gases into the atmosphere.

A company reacts to local population concerns

At the beginning of 2018 we signed an agreement with the Road Construction Company in Raciborz (in Southwestern Poland) for the construction of an LPG installation and gas supply. The new approach was driven by complaints to the company and protests by local inhabitants concerning environmental pollution, resulting in the company making the decision to switch from oil to LPG.

Contributing to the environment and our clients’ economics

We will deliver 220 tons of LPG each year to this company, which will allow it to produce 40,000 tons of bituminous masses in a much more environmentally-friendly way. The switch will translate into a significant reduction of CO₂ emissions compared to the previous production method. The company itself will receive an additional benefit: the use of this convenient, maintenance-free energy source will provide significant savings of up to EUR 75,000.

It is a great example of the kind of change that can have a double impact and positive effect on both the environment and business economics, as we positively contribute to air quality and our clients’ bottom line.